08 July 2007

Good end to a bad week...

Well, this week has been unusually busy with the holiday being smack in the middle. I've been procrastinating on my homework ( I KNOW - I'll get to it TODAY!) working the bar a bit more than usual and just generally running out of time for everything.

Add to that the drama with Junior and still feeling funky from my new meds, and my ass has been kicked this week. So a bright spot is always welcome.

Well, the bright spot walked into the restaurant yesterday with his family. A little Marine (ok, about 6 foot and 180 lbs of little Marine) came in and sat down. So me, being the ever vigilant Angel, made sure I went over there and talked to him, asked him about what he was doing, and giving him the address of Soldiers' Angels so that he knew he would have someone if he or any of his buddies needed it. (*sniff* I love these guys!)

Well, the little girls at the restaurant that hostess and run were just all excited because I talked to him and didn't know him. I explained what I did and they just thought that was cool. (They're in high school and of course, I am just their prime example of coolness! Ok, it's probably more like most of them look at me as "mom" 'coz I have kids their age.) Anyhow, lesson about the real world taken in by a few girls that haven't seen much of the world. Good job, Angel.

Heh. Some of you may remember Frenchie, my favorite little TOAB who works at the bar... well, guess whose section in which our little Marine was seated?


We all got a chuckle out of the irony after last week's episode, and the balloon eagle, that she should be the one with him in her section.

I love karma.

miss b


Anonymous said...

Poor Frenchie...

I almost felt sorry for her...

But then i just laughed instead

Miss B said...

;) this is why i luv you...

i try so hard to behave, and yet...

ahh well. we all have our dark side, eh?