07 August 2007

The Ultimate Man's Remote

I'm here for ya fellows... I feel ya...

Miss B


George said...

How come there's a say no button on it? Is it last year's model?

Captain Smack said...

I wonder what a woman's remote control for men would look like.

Miss B said...

lol george... that's for the "do you want to go out to {insert dinner/the movies/the game} questions where ya'll want to ask so she won't feel left out, but you really don't wanna do that with her...

captain, i've been workin' on that one... the "boobs" buttons are replaced with 2 "growth +" buttons, one for brains, the other for size (which pops up a menu for length, girth, and knowledge of use). the "PMS Off" button is the "talk" button. Under "stop nagging" is now the "stop farting" button. Where the "remove clothes" button is would be an "oral sex with no reciprocation-OSNR" button. Under the "give me" section is money, sex, and jewelry. We would add another row for autos, "fill gas tank, let me drive cool car, and fix"; and another for home, "pick up dirty underwear, cook dinner, do laundry". For those with kids, we have an optional "change shitty diaper" and "take care of sick kid" feature. the mute button now becomes the "morph into fantasy movie star" button, with submenus for up to 6 different men.

patent pending...

Captain Smack said...

That sounds like one terrifying device. Don't ever come near me with that thing.