08 August 2007

Momentary Lapse in Reason

We pause for a station identification break while Miss Behavin' freaks the fuck out over all the shit that is now consuming her...

* 3 new classes starting and the overwhelming crunch of making sense of syllabi and wondering how in the fuck she's going to get all the work done, let alone learn Spanish?!!

* Junior taking college entrance exams, making a move to a dorm, and being left alone

* Still working 2 jobs, trying to maintain the household, go through old stuff and do homework

* Boss gone for 3 days; assuming his duties as well as keep up with mine, AND training to cover another job, and coordinate a Census Bureau mandatory freight survey for next week

* My adopted Hero officially on mail stop; he's coming home!

* My support people momentarily gone...

We thank you for your patience. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


George said...

Remember Gloria Gaynor? I will survive ... remember that Miss B

Steph said...

I prescribe alcohol. Lots and lots of alcoholic goodness.

Anonymous said...

Hey, just checking in from Mexico. My neighbor offered his computer so I could check my email and I couldn't help but sneak a peek to see that you're still here.
I'll be back stateside the end of this month and will be looking forward to catching up on your blog at that time.
Be well in the meantime.

Miss B said...

george ~ don't ya ever get tired of just surviving? someday, it would be nice to actually live. :)

dr steph ~ excellent rx... i'll get right on that!

~wein~ <3 I hope you're having the most wonderful time down there and I look forward to pics!

most sincerely, thanks everyone. hearing from you all is ALWAYS a bright spot in my day...

miss b