13 April 2007

Only Crazy People Fall in Love With Me...

seriously. Song by The Wreckers... they came to me for the lyrics...

i've given up on the online match sites... from these "find your soulmate/love of your life/etc etc yada yada blah blah blah" sites, i tend to draw:

~*~married guys (if ya'll paid half the attention to your wife as you do trying to get me to go out with you, you might have a marriage)

~*~bi-curious girls (ladies, ladies, ladies... i wish i did, but i don't)

~*~men of mid-eastern ethnicity (um yea... not just no, but HELL FUCKING I WOULD RATHER CHEW OFF MY LEFT FOOT no) tyvm

~*~arrogant ass clowns who spend more on their hair products than I do

~*~committment phobes who like to play string-along. string this, buddy.

~*~not quite divorced guys who are still having separation issues (ugh... just come back in two years when you're over the drama... really.)

~*~ guys who want "friends" (i HAVE friends - more friends I do not need)

~*~guys who want "intimate encounters" (well hell bill, if i wanna get laid, i don't need to go online to find THAT)

~*~stalkers (aka fuckin' fruitloops)

~*~players (go play with yourself; my time/you=non-sympatico)

~*~jobless (internet courtesy of mom ~n~ dad... mmmm)

~*~homeless (how the hell do they get to the internet if they don't have a home? oh wait-it's wireless!)

hell, i could go back out on the road driving and find any of THOSE...

right now, it's looking like having a pulse AND a job will get you in my top 10. *bonus* if you have your own vehicle...


what size were those batteries???
Miss B


mielikki said...

please. Don't forget the drunks. I met two in a row who could drink Ted Kennedy under the table. . .

Miss B said...

my deepest apologies... absolutely ~*~ drunks get a place of honor on the "best of the web" list...

Miss B

mielikki said...

LOL. Oh, the misery! being single isn't for sissies!

Miss B said...

*giggle* not even for a minute, hon...

Anonymous said...

So you call me a fruitloop??? does that put me in the "Stalker Catagory?) Hmmmm
Now I'm worried, might need further therapy to work through that new label you have given me..