11 March 2007

Life in Lists - Favorite Things to do with my Men

*sex - slow and easy
*anything fast (the faster the better)
- go kart racing
- drag racing
- motorcycling
- four wheeling
- dirt bike racing
- snowmobiling
*sex - fun with food
*outdoor fun
- water tubing
- horseback riding
- hiking
*sex - faster, harder, deeper
*cuddling (always naked)
- on the couch
- on the porch swing in a blanket watching the rain
- sloooooowww dancing at home
- in a verrrry warm bubble bath
*sex - fun with toys
*competitive outdoor fun (winner gets choice) ;-)
- tennis
- touch football
- bocce
*sex - wet and steamy
*competitive indoor fun (winner gets choice) ;-)
- ping pong
- darts
- bowling
- various card games in varying states of undress
*sex - try and ignore me while the game's on...

I'd say I'm a fairly well-rounded person...

Miss B

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